Practicing sports was a huge part of my life growing up. From soccer to judo, I have always enjoyed playing all sorts of sports. Basketball is my favourite and the one that I was able to play the most throughout my life. Currently, in Victoria, I am part of a group that plays volleyball every Monday night!.
I was born in Brazil - lived there for most of my life - but I am currently living in (and in love with) Canada. When I visited Canada in 2014, I was amazed by its people and beauty. In 2018, I decided to move here permanently with my partner and I could not be happier with how my life turned out so far.
A fun fact about me is that I had pizza for the first time when I was 23 years old. Crazy, right? But it was love at first bite.
I have finished my Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering in 2018. I have worked within the field for two years on renewable energy projects, including solar and wind energy, mostly performing energy yield simulations and project feasibility analyses.

Hello, I am

Web Developer

About Me

Hello there! I am Dartangnan M. Theml, an Electrical Engineer and a self-taught Web Developer. I have experience working with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Redux, MongoDB, MatLAB, etc.

Developing applications and turning lines of code into impactful software is my passion and what drives my work. Since I wrote my first line of code I knew I wanted to do it for the rest of my life.

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Leafy is a web application I built using React.js, Redux.js, React Router, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, MongoDB, Node.js and Express.js. It is a meal planning app where users can fetch recipes through an API and save them in their weekly menu. Once the recipes are saved and stored in a database, the items listed as the ingredients are added to a shopping list, which can be edited entirely. The app also has an authentication system in which the user must provide an e-mail and password to access the web app.


In this project, I developed a tool for accountants in Brazil to automatically fetch certificates from the Brazilian Ministry of Finance and make them available for download. In a conversation with a friend who owns an accounting company, I realized that it takes a lot of time for accountants to retrieve all debt certificates for their clients. Hence, I started to develop a tool that retrieves the certificates once the company’s Federal Tax Identification Number is entered. Since the tool only retrieves certificates from the Ministry of Finance, and accountants also need certificates from other ministries, the user can register their name and email in this tool’s database so they can receive future information once the tool is completely developed.


This project is a landing page of “Dona Moreira,” a small business in Brazil that produces and sells baked goods. The website showcases some of their products and creates a channel for the customer to communicate with the company by email.


Mimo Studio is a small business that perpetuates memories through art with watercolour paintings. This Landing page aims to display some projects from the studio and allows possible customers to communicate with the company by email, request project budgets, upload pictures as references and make online orders.


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